Angeles Borrego

Angeles Borrego
Angeles G. Borrego is the vice-president for international affairs at Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since May 2021. Previously she was CSIC representative at regional level in Asturias and senior researcher at the Institute for Carbon Science and Technology (INCAR-CSIC) in Oviedo, Spain. She got a PhD in Geology from the University of Oviedo in Spain in 1992 and was awarded with a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship to work at the Lehrstuhl für Geologie, Geochemie und Lagerstätten des Erdöls und der Kohle (RWTH Aachen), Germany and also back in Oviedo recognized as a MSCA success story. Her research has focused on the study of solid fossil fuels with special emphasis in the relationships between the organic components and their performance in various industrial processes, including clean utilization. More recently peat as a record for climate change based on geochemical proxies has been her research focus. Angeles presides the ICCP (International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology), and was awarded in 2008 with the Organic Petrology Award. She has been Spanish representative for the research programs of Energy in the EU (2 years) and is chairing the TGK2 group for monitoring projects on coal utilization from the RFCS (Research Funds for Coals and Steel) in the framework of the Green Deal. Students supervising and training programs in National and International Universities (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico) and companies are also relevant aspects of her work.