Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

For the VIII International Congress of Research REDU 2021 (CIIREDU), proposals for ORAL AND WRITTEN PAPERS (POSTERS) can be sent by submitting abstracts, selecting the thematic areas to which the authors are oriented.

Subsequently, the proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, which reserves the right to accept or reject the abstracts presented and categorize them according to content, originality and functionality.

In addition, the authors of the best abstracts accepted will be invited for publication in full article format in indexed journals.

Papers can be presented in the official languages of the Congress (Spanish and English) until September 30st, 2021

All accepted abstracts will be published in a special edition of the journal MedWave indexed in SCOPUS with a Q4 impact factor and will have an individualized DOI.

Upload your resume

Important dates

Extended date
upload abstract
 Acceptance notification
15 – 18 NOVEMBER
Conference date